Thursday, March 14, 2013

Google reader (almost) dead. Here is what I'm thinking...

As the title suggests this blog will be updated periodically based on my findings / thoughts on an "alternative" to Google Reader which service will end July 1, 2013. Basically I need something on my desktop during the work day and a nice App when I'm on the go.

To find the best option for both my desktop and portable devices I looked into NewsBlur only to discover that nothing really works as it's intended. Here's a list

  • Import from Google Reader breaks
  • The annoying wizard dialog that's supposed to setup my account constantly freezes
  • I can't seem to link both my Twitter and Facebook accounts with NewsBlur
  • ...
Right now I'm considering separating mobile from desktop as the best option.  Here's what I'm considering for both:


Since I already have my Google Chrome browser open all the time I'm looking into a plugin that lets me quickly browse my RSS feed subscriptions.


By far Flipboard is my #1 pick as a "news reader" App for both Apple and Google portable devices that syncs right up with Google Reader and won't die when Google Reader does

Feel free to add your suggestions as a comment below and I'll do my best to make updates as the journey continues...

Other Resources

1 comment:

  1. When you figure it out, tell me. I have the exact same need as you. I mainly use reader for podcasts that I listen to on my laptop while at work.
